Hello readers of RobertJRGraham.com.
Firstly, I’d like to just say hello, and thank you for being here to read this.
I’ve had this website for over a decade now, and it’s given me the opportunity to interact with many people, and it’s helped me grow in numerous ways. Until just recently, the website was mainly used to host several articles in my library, that are basically currated by me, to promote the health, strength, freedoms, and wonder of humanity in whatever way I could. The articles are positive, or attempt to lead you to a positive thought where appropriate.
But now I’m going to take a more active role in my interaction with you, the reader, and I will be sending out personalized blog posts, written by me, so that I can share some points of view with you, to whatever extent I can. Life is all about context, and intelligence is all about putting things together in new ways.
But if all your sources of information are narrowed to just a few (TV, mainstream media etc.), your point of view will be narrow as well. I’m offering up alternative ways to think and grow, as I believe in the times immediately ahead – we as humans will need this. And to whatever extent I can, I’m going to contribute to the evolution and hope of our species.
So welcome to the new RobertJRGraham.com, and I hope you enjoy the content.
Robert JR Graham